Friday, October 29, 2010

Pay Day!

I have officially been paid. I almost feel bad because I made about a grand for two weeks of OBSERVING. I literally barely worked at all because of the transportation strike, and then the students were out protesting. People are allowed to strike on Tuesday and Thursday in France so you usually see something going on. This past Tuesday, on my way home from running I saw a protest making its way down the street toward a group of cops with those giant bullet proof shields. I was out like a fat kid in dodgeball. I wonder how the protests will be after the vacation. Maybe everyone will feel relaxed and life will go back to "normal." Also, I am on week three of my 5K training. I can't believe I've come this far. I used to BE the fat kid who was out in dodgeball. Plus, Dave is training for a half marathon so it's nice that we can motivate each other.

Also I have been going out and socializing a bit, and it's been really fun. Maja and I found a Portuguese concert last week that turned into dancing until the wee hours, and I have come to realize that I am within walking distance to some of the best nightlife in Paris, which is great because the metro closes before the bars. On top of that, I live in a really safe area so I feel comfortable walking home.

Sorry for the short update, have to babysit and most likely play pirates (or as Lawrence says, "peer-rots"), then meet Anne at the train station for a Halloween weekend in Paris Extravaganza. Also, word on the street is that I should have internet by November 4th! But after all, this is France... ;)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you finally got a paycheck. When's the next one coming? So proud of both of us for sticking to the running. Have fun playing pee-rots (when you type it out, it looks kind of gross). Love you!!!
