Monday, November 15, 2010

Reasons why living in France has made me a better person already:

1. Exercise. Not only have I been running (I can't give France the credit for that), but I walk a lot more than I would in the states.

2. Also, it's probably doing wonders for my carbon footprint that I don't have a car and use public transportation, unplug everything in my room besides the fridge when I'm not using it, and still don't eat meat. I don't think I will ever be better for the environment than I am right now.

3. Also good for the environment, I take faster showers. My college roommates know that I can take a while in there. For one thing, I have a TON of curly hair to work through with conditioner, but besides that, it is just pleasant being in a hot shower. Here, with my tiny water heater, I have fifteen minutes TOPS before I run out. That, combined with the fact that my shower is a human-sized glass cubicle, is not helping me in the leg shaving department. Good thing I don't have anyone to impress here anyway. Ha. Now I'M the French stereotype. Some French people even turn off the water while they lather or any other shower activity that doesn't require the water running. I miss long, luxurious showers. This one might fall by the wayside when I get back to the states. We'll see.

4. Being away from home has caused me to keep one eye on World news, just to stay up to date with what is going on back home. I check BBC news every morning when I wake up. I don't think I've ever been so aware of what's going on in the world. I hope I keep this habit when I return home. I also decided that in my [magical hypothetical future] classroom I will start each class period with World News, or if I teach French, I will focus on Europe. After teaching here, American students seem pretty oblivious to the rest of the world. It's not entirely their fault, our media focuses primarily on the U.S. That's why I like BBC news so much.

5. I can tell my French is getting stronger because I no longer feel like a deaf mute. When I saw Antoine last week he told me he can tell it's getting better. Being the whole purpose of this experience, it makes me very happy.

6. With all of the delays, paperwork, surprises, and irritations I have had to deal with, I feel like I am learning to roll with the punches, pick my battles, and let what I can't control go. Example of a surprise: I was babysitting for a new family (two boys, 6 and 9) this weekend for the first time. When I told them to go put on their pajamas, one came flying out of the bathroom toward me completely naked save for a book he was holding over his crotch region, screaming his head off. My response was to laugh and say, "Go get your pajamas on, you dork." He just giggled like crazy and ran back to the bathroom. On his return trip I realized he had on tighty whities, thank God. Kids are so funny. I am quickly getting used to boys. They are SO different from the girls I used to babysit for. Good experience to have though.

7. To be continued...

Off to bed, have to teach bright and early (or dark and early, thanks to Daylight Savings).

1 comment:

  1. You're JUST NOW getting used to boys?! What about all those times I'd run out naked and scream at you... sans book.
    1. I love you.
    2. I'm glad you're loving France.
    3. I'm glad you post these so I know in full detail what you're up to.
    4. I love you.
