Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I don't think I explained why exactly I am doing this in my last post. Let me back up a little bit here. I am graduating from GVSU at the end of this month. My major is English, my teachable minor is French, and I studied these to get certified to teach them in a secondary education (6-12) setting.

I have studied French since my freshman year of high school...which, holy crap, is now NINE years ago. I have just always really enjoyed the language and the culture.

I finally made it to France for the first time last summer. I did a study abroad program through Grand Valley, and spent one week in Paris, and four weeks studying in Nice (plus a couple weeks of CouchSurfing on my own and with my cousin). I knew I had to go back. I was in love with France.

That, and I didn't manage to pass my certification tests for French. Whoops.

Therefore, spending seven more months in France will satisfy my France craving and hopefully boost my fluency to where I can become a certified French teacher when I get back. That is all.

Also, I found a "Meeting Planner" so that I could figure out when would be good times for Dave and I to talk. After being in a long distance relationship for this long we know that communication is key. Although our schedules will be the exact opposite, there will be a few times a day when they do intersect at convenient times. :-) Whew!

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